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5 Most Common Sales Q&A

QuieTrack’s goal is to keep your borrower’s experience as quiet as possible. We proactively reach out to agents and insurers to obtain borrower’s insurance policies. Also, through our electronic connections with numerous insurers, we automatically receive electronic policy data.

QuieTrack can track any insurance requirement from single collateral auto loans to complex multi-collateral commercial loans. If you require it, we can track it. Every lender has different internal requirements and procedures. We can customize your tracking program to meet your specific needs and will provide consultation on industry best practices.

24- 72 hours. We are constantly improving our internal processes to reduce this time, making your borrower’s insurance data available to you immediately on our highly secure, easy-to-use website.

Yes. In our 50 years of business, we haven’t met a core provider that we can’t work with. We will be able to map our files exactly to your core providers requirements for easy automation and integration.

SOC 1 & 2 type II compliant, Remote QuieTrack users’ access via secure VPN, AWS hosted with industry best security and robust DRP/COB, Multiple factor authentication password protected user access, User access with defined security levels and lender administered. No borrower data is offshored

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